Possibly Rebounded...Possibly New...Always Addictive


Rebound Junkie: YSL love affair.....

Fashion, NightlifeRebound Junkie: KellsComment

Sometimes a shoe comes along, and you just have to have it! Spotlight on YSL's IRIS feather-trimmed glossed-leather sandals. Personally, we were obsessed! As far as what to wear them with, our suggestion is "everywhere"! The mall, the beach, to the gym..... spice it up! LOL

Snag your pair here>



Rebound Junkie: The 2017 U.S. Open!

Entertainment, Lifestyle, TravelRebound JunkieComment

First off...pardon our tardiness! 

One of our absolute favorite things to do to end off the summer is take in the sights at the U.S. Open, in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, New York! It’s the best time!! Over the years we were lucky enough to catch matches by some of the greats!! Federer, both Williams sisters and more! On September 3rd, we watched Venus Williams defeat Suárez Navarro, but the big winner at this year’s U.S. Open was Sloan Stevens!! Just six weeks ago Stevens was ranked 957th in the world!! So if you didn’t know her before, you should now!! We cant wait to see more from Sloan in the future!


RJ: A fashionable walk through TULUM, Mexico

Lifestyle, Fashion, TravelRebound JunkieComment
Tulum iѕ a beautiful & unique place tо viѕit аnd stay in Mеxiсо. Whilе a lot of реорlе аrе mоѕtlу асquаintеd with Cаnсun, too few реорlе knоw аbоut thе bеаutу оf Tulum. Lосаtеd оn thе Yuсаtаn Peninsula, thiѕ tоwn iѕ thе рlасе tо gо fоr thе аdvеnturоuѕ trаvеlеr, bу оffеring a реrfесt соmbinаtiоn оf trаnquilitу, seclusion аnd аdvеnturе. Exрlоring thе ruinѕ, ѕnоrkеling, еnjоуing thе bеасhеѕ аnd viѕiting thе nature rеѕеrvеѕ аrе оnlу a fеw оf thе multiрlеѕ асtivitiеѕ уоu саn dо in Tulum. Hеrе аrе ѕоmе оf thе highlightѕ уоu mау wаnt tо lооk intо if уоu dесidе tо ѕреnd some timе in beautiful Tulum, Mexico. 

Delicious eats at "Be Tulum".....

Pablo Escobar's Tulum through

Only those who went hungry with me and stood by me when i went through a bad time at some point in life will eat at my table.
— Pablo Escobar

One of the 8 best spa's in the world.... Conde Nast 2017

  • YAAN wellness: energy-healing-spa, Tulum